If not us, then who?

Unlock the keys to your success.


The Mission and The Vision.

Success is more than just a status. Success is a state of mind, an inward and outward display of confidence and belief in oneself. State of Success, Inc. is about empowering the youth. We aim to provide our youth with the necessary keys to achieve success, unlock their potential, and transcend any barriers placed in their way. Our goal is to help the leaders of tomorrow achieve at the highest of levels, beyond what they can even envision.

We Are The Change!

Be the positive change that you want to see. It is up to us to invest in the success of our community and our youth. Give them the keys and watch them prosper!

The biggest motivation is the motivation that you find when you dig deep within yourself. The best inspiration is that which you can provide for others through achievement of your goals despite obstacles, difficulties, and doubt placed upon you by others.

“Always move forward with a positive mindset. Never underestimate the power of an optimistic outlook and positive energy. There will always be those with a negative outlook who will try to impede your progress. Nevertheless, persevere, have faith in yourself, and achieve your goals. If you want a better future, go create one. The journey begins today.”

— Jere’l D. Hough, Executive Director, State of Success, Inc.